About Liz

Like many ladies I decided to enter the Race for Life but thought I ought to do some training. I came across a leaflet for the Women's Running Network and it was just what I needed. It took a lot of courage to turn up for that first session but I have never looked back.
Fast forward to 2008 and I decided to share my obsession with others so enrolled on a Fitness in Running and Walking Course (the predecessor of the Leadership in Running Fitness course) and within a month of completing that I found myself on a Level 2 Endurance coach course.
I will never be fast, can claim the honour of coming last in a race (although I crossed the finishing line with someone younger so technically I wasn't last in the results) and seldom enter races unless they are more about having a good time and involve dressing up, eating, mud, water, ice, fire or having dye thrown at me! And of course a large slab of cake at the end never goes amiss.
Fast forward to 2008 and I decided to share my obsession with others so enrolled on a Fitness in Running and Walking Course (the predecessor of the Leadership in Running Fitness course) and within a month of completing that I found myself on a Level 2 Endurance coach course.
I will never be fast, can claim the honour of coming last in a race (although I crossed the finishing line with someone younger so technically I wasn't last in the results) and seldom enter races unless they are more about having a good time and involve dressing up, eating, mud, water, ice, fire or having dye thrown at me! And of course a large slab of cake at the end never goes amiss.