Membership Information
Annual membership is just £5.00 for the year (April - March). If you are thinking of joining please come for a free trial run with us first. Members joining after January 1 don't have to renew until April of the following year.
To join, please use our secure online database to enter your details. Click here to take you to the database. On the site you will find details of how to pay by bank transfer. Once you have joined you will be able to log onto the database to manage the information we hold. Each member will only be able to see their own data. Leaders have access to their group member details. Members are encouraged to wear our group kit to runs and races. New SW members have the option to purchase a Women on the Run top when they join. These cost £12.00. Kit is sourced separately for our Kendal and Preston groups - details of these are on their own pages. The cost of each run varies from group to group - please contact the individual group leader for details. If you would prefer to join using a paper form these are available from leaders or you can download one using the link below. Membership Form Disclaimer (for leader use) Women on the Run is affiliated to England Athletics and our members can, for an additional sum, become registered athletes if they wish. You can apply for this each year via the database. More information can be found here. |